In the UK, Masters degrees are highly regarded by employers. In a market in which is increasingly tricky to distinguish between candidates, this higher-level qualification shows your ability to commit to an intense period of work.

According to a survey of postgraduate students by the Higher Education Academy, the most popular reasons for undertaking a Masters were to progress in a current career path (57%) or to improve employment prospects (56%). In reality, studying for an online MSc offers several benefits, as we explore here.

Increasing your knowledge

By choosing to study a Master’s degree, you’re committing to extend your knowledge and specialise within a particular field.

Studying online at the University of Bath, you’ll have the opportunity to learn through our research - 87% of our research is defined as world-leading or internationally excellent.

Our online MSc courses provide the perfect blend of intellectual challenge, real-world insights and superb student experience, in preparation for the next stage of your career.

“I remember after finishing the first two modules at Bath I realised that the quality, intensity and amount of knowledge I received in the past 4 months outweighed all that I’ve been learning in the previous year through the various online courses.”
Mohammad Dasseh, Computer Science online MSc student

Becoming better connected

Studying an online MSc, you’ll instantly increase your professional network and make contacts across the world. At the University of Bath, one in three of our students are international - from over 132 countries.

From day one of your course you’ll be granted access to our Virtual Learning Environment, where you’ll have the opportunity to engage with this international community and collaborate with your peers, building relationships that extend beyond the classroom and back into the professional world.

“My cohort and I are actually more connected and closer to each other than I thought we would be. Last week I video called my classmate in Canada to work on a problem for our group assignment. […] I look forward to meeting them all on our graduation day!”
Mohammad Dasseh, Computer Science online MSc student

Boosting your earnings

Adding an MSc to your credentials puts you in a better position to secure a higher salary than someone who’s chosen to work their way up the corporate ladder.

Data from the Department of Education shows that employers generously reward those who have chosen to commit to postgraduate education. In 2018, postgraduates earned a median salary of £40,000, which was £6,000 more than graduates and £16,000 more than non-graduates.

Achieving an edge

In an increasingly competitive jobs market, a postgraduate degree sets you apart from other candidates.

The Graduate Labour Market Statistics 2018 shows the postgraduate employment rate (87.5%) is substantially higher than for non-graduates (71.6%). Furthermore, the proportion of postgraduates in high-skilled roles (76.5%) exceeds that of graduates (65.4%) and non-graduates (22.9%). The University of Bath is ranked 9th for job prospects by the Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2019.

“I’ve got a new job with better benefits because this course has already started to fill in the gaps in my knowledge. Plus studying part-time while working helps you to stand out from other interview candidates and showed my dedication to my career to my previous manager and my new one.”
Jess Crees, Computer Science online MSc student

Changing your career

When you’re new to the world of work, you need to make decisions about what your future career will look like, but we don’t always get it right. According to a 2018 study by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT), the average worker in Britain considers changing career no less than 10 times a year, and almost 20% are thinking about retraining to do just that.

Studying an online MSc, you have the flexibility to continue working while you acquire the skills to make that switch. Studying online at the University of Bath, which is ranked 6th in the UK tor undergraduate study by The Guardian University Guide 2020, you can rest assured that your future career is in good hands.

Studying an online MSc at the University of Bath

Enriched by world-class, research-led teaching and the latest digital tools, our online MSc courses will challenge and inspire you, helping you build the real-world skills to evolve your career. Read more about our online courses to discover why you should study online with the University of Bath.

Authored on 27.04.20


The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing. Course elements, rankings, and other data may change. Please refer to the online courses page for the most up-to-date details.

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