Active online learning
Our online MSc courses are designed specifically for a digital setting, helping to keep you connected to the curriculum. These courses can be taken on a part-time basis, making them perfect if you’re already working or have family commitments. You just need a device with internet access, and you will be able to connect to our Virtual Learning Environment, wherever you are.
Our virtual learning environment
Our Virtual Learning Environment is logical and easy to navigate, offering access to all relevant course materials. As well as having a multitude of resources at your fingertips, you’ll be able to browse the University’s extensive online library from day one of your studies.
You’ll also have access to a range of innovative online tools to help you successfully complete your studies. Technical support for our Virtual Learning Environment will be available 24/7 and you will have access to our student services group should you have any queries or need support.
Interacting with your tutors and peers
When you study online at the University of Bath, you’ll be part of a global community of academics and learners. This will help you to gain an international perspective on your chosen field of study, broadening your career prospects. You’ll be encouraged to collaborate and share ideas with people from different countries and cultures.
Our courses also focus on real-world application. That means you’ll be able to apply your new knowledge immediately to your career, giving you the tools to make positive changes at work as soon as you start studying.
Committed to Your Success
Connect with your support team from the University of Bath and learn about the comprehensive technology resources you have access to. We're here to help with IT, admissions, enrollment, online learning, careers advice and more.