When you studied your undergraduate degree, you probably spent many hours sat in lectures, seminars and the library, learning, debating and working on assignments. Although in many ways a personal commitment, it involved the input of staff and students to create the rich learning environment you needed to thrive and succeed.

So how does that translate to studying an online MSc?

With 50 years of educational excellence behind us, we've worked hard to create an online experience that's as inspiring, engaging and inclusive as our campus-based courses.

Specifically designed for a digital setting, our online MSc courses keep you connected to the curriculum, regardless of where you are in the world, and what time you choose to study.

We're still here

Some online courses simply present you with the topics to study and then test you at the end of each module. Our online MSc courses are just like a traditional campus-taught course with a dedicated tutor who will review your assignments and provide feedback - the main difference is that the teachings are presented within a virtual environment. This Virtual learning Environment enables you to take your learning home with you and offers you the flexibility you need when studying part time.

If you need help with a particular subject, or have questions about an assignment, your tutor is available and can be contacted directly. Alternatively, make use of the discussion forums to present your arguments and demonstrate your critical thinking, and tap into your fellow students’ skills, knowledge and experience to enhance your own learning.

In addition, we provide 24/7 technical assistance for our Virtual Learning Environment, and you will have access to our Student Services Group if you need support.

Forget FOMO

If you're studying online, you might wonder whether you'll suffer the 'fear of missing out' compared with students who choose to study on campus.

At the University of Bath, we have always focused our courses on the real-world application of each subject, regularly welcoming guest speakers to share their insights with our students. As part of your course you will benefit from our links with real-world business connections and major corporations, such as IBM, SAS, Imagination Technologies, Electronic Arts, BAE Systems, KPMG and Nokia.

Multimedia approach

People learn and process information in different ways. While text books are a good way for you to acquire the foundation knowledge you'll need to gain an understanding each unit, our Virtual Learning Environment contains a variety of additional information.

Real-life case studies and engaging video content go hand-in-hand with opportunities to network, debate and participate in interactive exercises with your peers. From the first day of your course, you'll also have access to the University’s extensive online library and be able to leverage a suite of innovative online tools to help you successfully complete your studies.

You are not alone

You might not be physically sat in a lecture theatre next to your classmates, but your peers in the online community are there to support you and learn with you every step of the way.

Collaborating with your peers and working as part of a team creates a more engaging experience with the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other, and gain opposing perspectives. Plus, there's nothing to stop you grabbing a virtual coffee every once in a while.

One in three of our students are international, from over 132 different countries. The additional benefit of interacting and collaborating with your peers online, is that you get to personally connect with these students and gain valuable insight and different cultural perspectives too.

Discover more about our online MSc student experience.

Authored on 27.04.20


The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing. Course elements, rankings, and other data may change. Please refer to the online courses page for the most up-to-date details.

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