The ideas and innovations created within small businesses and agile startups are disrupting industries. By actively looking for new ways to do things, they’re challenging the status quo and impacting our personal and professional lives on a daily basis.

In the UK, 20% of working age people are engaged in entrepreneurial activity, and figures from The Entrepreneurship Database, which is maintained by The World Bank, show that over 660,000 new limited liability companies were formed over the last decade.

In a world where entrepreneurs constantly challenge the expected to discover new, different and better ways of doing things, the need to bring people, process and technology together has never been more important.

It’s why computer science has begun to drive the entrepreneurial agenda.

We live in an increasingly digital world

Technology has infiltrated every aspect of modern life. From shopping to leisure pursuits, our home appliances to working environments, in today’s world there’s an app for everything. With technology moving at such a fast pace and becoming a highly specialised field, there’s a constant demand for talented computer science graduates.

Studying an MSc in Computer Science will provide you with insight into the technologies that are shaping our modern world. Another advantage in the entrepreneurial world is that a computer science necessitates a solid foundation in mathematics and logical thinking, which are critical skills in any business environment.

By opting for an online MSc, you’re able to test your ideas and learn everything you need to make educated changes to the business – or even to get you thinking about starting your own venture.

There’s also a huge skills gap within digital recruitment; for computer science alone, there are 500,000 people needed in the UK to fill skilled positions by 2022. So, you’ll never be short of career opportunities with an MSc in Computer Science.

Studying a Computer Science online MSc at the University of Bath

At the University of Bath, our online MSc in Computer Science includes a unit about entrepreneurship. Here you will develop a critical understanding of entrepreneurship, learning how to develop strategies to take advantage of opportunities, operational planning and managing key business risks. Furthermore, you’ll be taken through the process of taking an idea from initial concept through to business plan, including aspects such as business model,  funding and intellectual property.

The University of Bath is ranked first for employability in computer science and information systems by The Guardian University Guide 2020*, and we are recognised for our commitment to career progression in this field.

Where could a Computer Science online MSc do for you?

Whether you want to move up the corporate ladder with your current employer, create the next agile tech startup or you are looking for your next exciting opportunity, an MSc in Computer Science exposes you to a world of possibilities.

Discover more about our Computer Science online MSc.


* Rankings based on undergraduate data

Authored on 09.01.20


The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing. Course elements, rankings, and other data may change. Please refer to the online courses page for the most up-to-date details.

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