When you have a business idea you truly believe in, it can be tempting to just throw yourself in the deep end and do all you can to make it work.

Yet, without the right background knowledge, preparation and systematic approach, you are unlikely to give your vision the best chance of success. According to a survey by CB Insights, 42% of startups fail due to a lack of market need, a pitfall that should be easily avoidable through market research and subsequent fine-tuning. Next in line are issues related to burnout and losing steam, in a process fraught with challenges.

While there’s no magic formula for entrepreneurial triumph, it is possible to cultivate the skills, expertise and outlook needed to launch and nurture a lasting commercial venture. Gaining them through postgraduate study can help you give real form and structure to your business creativity, along with the tools you need take each step as an entrepreneur.

Here’s why we believe our Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation online MSc has the potential to prime the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

You’ll learn how to break down the entrepreneurial journey

More often than not, the key to successfully building a new enterprise or taking an existing organisation in a new direction is knowing how to harness passion and imagination and shape it into an achievable business strategy.

This transformation starts with you; turning you from an enthusiastic innovator into a self-assured, methodical entrepreneur with a tangible plan. It’s also the focus of the first unit on our online MSc – Fundamentals of entrepreneurship – which seeks to help you identify and explore the behaviours of entrepreneurs, the opportunities they create and the challenges they face, all with the aim of enabling you to see yourself and your business idea in the same light. Your new perspective will then help you begin to zone in on the specific opportunities and challenges facing your own enterprise, and how you can start to come up with your own solutions.

“This unit is designed to start the process of students becoming reflective and self-directed, with their own ways of thinking,” explains Professor Dimo Dimov, creator of our Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation online MSc, and recognised as one of the top 100 professors of entrepreneurship worldwide.

You’ll gain a holistic view of business

As the driving force behind a new business, an entrepreneur needs to have a thorough understanding of every aspect of its operation. Whether or not you intend to enlist the skills of partners, employees or suppliers to help you with certain things, it’s important that you appreciate the role of each business area and how they impact each other.

Rather than studying the traditional areas of business (marketing, finance, leadership etc) with a modular approach, our online MSc encourages you to view the workings of a new enterprise as connected parts of a single infrastructure.

“The way we approach the fundamentals of business and management is systematic and holistic, not chopped up into distinct areas with separate knowledge,” says Professor Dimov, whose own research into the entrepreneurial journey is highly ranked in the field. “An organisation is everything being integrated together. An enterprise is a system.”

Our online MSc has been designed to cover the key practices, including customer relations, operations and organisation design, and financial models, in a way that will help you make the right strategic decisions for your business as a whole.

You’ll benefit from a cutting-edge, specialist curriculum

Our online MSc provides an extensive exploration of entrepreneurship. Each unit on our course has been formulated to help you explore another piece of the entrepreneurial puzzle, with the ultimate goal of making you ready to take on your own real-world business.

To help you achieve this, the final unit takes the form of an independent research project; an ideal opportunity to test your learning and the viability of your own business idea. By working through the practical parameters and potential pain points as part of your studies, you’ll be well-equipped to turn your research into reality.

Concentrate on entrepreneurship with the right online course

When you know what you want to achieve, it makes sense to choose an educational path that examines it as comprehensively as possible. Our Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation online MSc can help you prepare for life as the head of your own enterprise in a way that will set you apart as a true entrepreneur. Find out more by filling in our online form.

Authored on 09.01.20


The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing. Course elements, rankings, and other data may change. Please refer to the online courses page for the most up-to-date details.

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