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Look out for articles covering course related topics, studying online, industry insights, and interviews with the faculty at the University of Bath.

Dissertations – how do you pick your topic?

How to choose the right topic for you, with advice from our University of Bath online course leaders

How can an online MSc help my career?

In the UK, Master’s degrees are highly regarded by employers. It can help you stand out from the rest. We talk about how an MSc degree can help your career.

Three tips for students returning to education and study

Returning to university education is a decision that many find exciting but daunting. Read our tips for making a success of your online postgraduate study.

How to study and work at the same time

At the University of Bath, we've designed a range of online courses that allow you to fit study around your current personal commitments. Many of our postgraduate students remain in full-time employment throughout their course, and don't let assignments get in the way of family time.

Opportunities offered by a online Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation MSc

Our Entrepreneurship Management & Innovation online MSc provides an ideal opportunity in its ability to prime the entrepreneurs of tomorrow & their future.

Exploring the benefit of a Computer Science online MSc for entrepreneurs

IT innovation can give new businesses a unique edge over their competition. Discover why the online Computer Science MSc at Bath is ideal for entrepreneurs.

How to make the most of an online degree

Discover some of our top tips for making the most of your online degree. Here are some of the best ways you can engage with the online learning environment.

How to be empowered by the online learning journey

Online learning is increasing in popularity as ambitious professionals seek to continuously improve their skill sets to further their careers.

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

So, what does it mean to be an entrepreneur in today’s world? At the University of Bath, we believe it’s more than simply owning a business; it’s a state of mind. We’ve taken a closer look at what being entrepreneurial is all about.

Top tips for a successful personal statement

Writing a personal statement is with no doubt a challenging and daunting task. It may seem an impossible task to cram all the complexities and nuances that make you your own person into one single sheet of paper.
