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Look out for articles covering course related topics, studying online, industry insights, and interviews with the faculty at the University of Bath.
Why do we need more women in Computer Science
This article explores the gender bias currently present in computer science, and why more women in computer science could help to redress the balance
The role of macro, micro and econometrics in banking and finance
This article explores the role of intelligent decision making in banking and finance through the role of macro, micro and econometrics.
Where studying an Applied Economics online MSc can take you
This article explores the varied career pathways which an online MSc in Applied Economics (Banking and Finance) can bolster.
The value of collaborative work and networking
In the modern workplace, employees are becoming more independent in their approach to work, as they embrace trends such as remote working.
Why AI automation makes us all more human
Will we all eventually find our roles replaced by AI automation, or could this technology actually compliment human ingenuity?
Dissertations – how do you pick your topic?
How to choose the right topic for you, with advice from our University of Bath online course leaders
Top tips for a successful personal statement
Writing a personal statement is with no doubt a challenging and daunting task. It may seem an impossible task to cram all the complexities and nuances that make you your own person into one single sheet of paper.
Why study the Applied Economics online MSc?
Some companies obsess over efficiency gains, constantly seeking new ways to cut costs and slash headcount. But it doesn’t work. Research shows that organisations that have made redundancies in an attempt to do more with less, actually damage the business.